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November Product Updates – Search Filters, AI Auto-tagging & File Statuses

Hope everyone is doing great out there! It’s been a few weeks since our last update.

We’ve been heads down on some big improvements to the product that we plan to roll out in the coming months.

Today, we’re excited to share a big update to our search functionality on Boombox.

Moving forward, you will be able to search for any file by name on Boombox. You’ll also have access to more sophisticated filters designed to refine your search with precision. Filter by mood, genre, instrumentation, key, or BPM to pinpoint exactly what you’re looking for.

To access these search filters, simply click the “search files” button underneath your file tree in the left column of the “files” tab.

This will direct you to a page where you can access all of your filters, and quickly pull a list of files that match your search parameters.

Curious how we know what genre or bpm should be attributed to a given audio file? It’s all generated by an AI auto-tagging system we’ve been crafting for the past several months. This system runs seamlessly in the background for every audio file you upload to Boombox.

We totally understand that use of AI can be a cause for concern these days, so let me put your mind at ease. This data is not being used to our benefit in any way. Your data is yours alone. There is no broader LLM or model training occurring behind the scenes. This feature’s only purpose is to make life easier for you.

Last but not least, we’ve added a “status” field to your files and projects. This feature is meant to help you and your collaborators track the progress of a given mix through the production process.

Statuses include:
Needs Review
Edits Requested
Edits Made
In Review
No Status

Hope you’re as excited about all of this as we are! We’ve got a few more things releasing in the next week or so, so we’ll reach out with a separate email sooner than usual covering those once they are live.

Wishing you the best of luck out there with your music and, as always, happy creating.